Help! Demanding, High Energy Dogs 101
Help! I’ve got an overexcitable, high energy dog. It’s a nightmare! Sound familiar? You’re not alone. We’ve collated some tips to help manage that high energy, demanding dog!
Help! I’ve got an overexcitable, high energy dog. It’s a nightmare! Sound familiar? You’re not alone. We’ve collated some tips to help manage that high energy, demanding dog!
For a training session to go smoothly and for you and your dog to be on the same wavelength, there needs to be some structure and clear communication. Find out how to maximise your dog’s training and enrichment sessions using these boundaries.
In any relationship, boundaries are essential for the happiness and safety of both parties. This applies to both humans and dogs. Dogs need boundaries in a variety of ways and for many reasons, which we explore in this post.
There is a fair amount to factor in when getting an Assistance Dog, not least the setting they are going to live in. Find out what to consider about your home environment.