Tale of Tails

10 Things We Hear from the Public

Being out with a dog in a vest with the famous words “assistance dog” brings a lot of comments and questions from the general public. Some smart, some not so smart.
Here are the 10 more popular questions we find asked!

Life with an AD, Warts & All

Life with an Assistance Dog is not all rainbows and unicorns. Phoenix Giraffa gives insight into the challenges of it, from the perspective of someone training their assistance dog.

Training Tips: When You’re Short On Time

Some ideas for how to cram dog training into a busy schedule, without even having to really try! And bonus – by doing this, you can increase your bond with your dog and practise tricks and tasks in a variety of environments!

Why the Title DOES Matter!

‘I’ve been hearing “The title doesn’t matter” a lot in the Assistance Dog community lately, and it’s honestly driving me mad. The title here refers to the label we give to dogs acting as auxiliary aids for disabled handlers…’
Elmiri Fox discusses the significance of how you label an Assistance Dog.

Alerts and Responses: What’s the Difference?

I recently saw a post where someone commented that the dog in question was performing a response not an alert. The theory behind this was that the dog was responding to a symptom and that an alert happens before symptoms. Elmiri Fox discusses this further!

I’m Working, Sorry

A great article in the form of a message from an assistance dog handler to the public about their interactions. When you ask to pet a working dog, don’t be upset if you get a short answer.